Friday, May 30, 2014

Almost ready to go...

I'm sat here at home, waiting for a taxi to take me to the airport.

Almost two years of planning is just about done and I'm hoping that when I finally board the plane I'll be able to relax a bit. It's been a bit hectic the last few weeks, to say the least. Luckily, I've had lots of IT work as well as a fair amount of marking and prep for tutoring human biol at UWA, and I even managed to "complete" my PhD thesis, as I set myself a target to get all the chapters written up and passed on to Charles before I went away.

Today, I had my last two tutes and then a low key training session to finish off. Then I had a nice relaxing goodbye drink and meal out with Laima, Zemyna and Mitch before coming home to get packed and ready.

So, here we go. Fingers crossed I haven't forgotten anything or made any mistakes in any bookings! Last time, I missed a connecting flight in Kuala Lumpur and then left my passport on the plane in Kyiv.

Anyway... better pack the laptop and get ready...


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